Launchpads, market makers, exchanges, and other key stakeholders require extensive information from projects for their onboarding process. This process is often cumbersome, time-consuming, and resource-intensive. Emerging projects at the beginning of their Web3 journey are under constant pressure to continuously improve their solutions and, therefore, lack the time and resources to dedicate to these extensive onboarding processes. They must ensure their application is approved by a major launchpad, find the correct market makers, or gather the necessary resources to get listed on a major centralized exchange.

This creates a pressing need for these projects to manage and handle their information efficiently to maximize their chances of success. This is where TokenBuilder steps in, ensuring these projects have their Ducks in a Row (DIAR). DIAR simplifies and accelerates onboarding by providing a universal platform that adheres to best practices, reducing the administrative burden, and improving chances of meeting stakeholder criteria.

DIAR enhances transparency, boosting reliability and investor confidence. Its AI-driven approach leverages data-driven best practices for success, while a streamlined process ensures faster onboarding with comprehensive vetting. Additionally, DIAR provides network access, connecting projects with the right partners and investors at the click of a button.

Projects can showcase their readiness by earning Duck points, which validate their groundwork and ensure partners and investors see the project's quality. Earning Ducks involves providing basic project information, certifying key contributors, completing tokenomics, incorporating the company KYB, disclosing the cap table, and submitting a detailed business plan, roadmap, or white paper.

By streamlining the onboarding process, DIAR allows emerging Web3 projects to focus on innovating and improving their solutions, ensuring they meet the necessary criteria to succeed in the competitive crypto landscape. TokenBuilder, with its DIAR system, transforms the onboarding experience, making it efficient and effective, ultimately increasing the chances of project success.

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